Indoor plant photos and lighting suggestions

About the Images

The plant photos are arranged based on lighting requirements, low light starting at the top, higher light requirements as the photos move downward to the bottom.

Your indoor plant service provider should know where to put these houseplants in your home or office for maximum growth ability.
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Plant Photos

Everything is available. We have supplied photos of many possibilities:
Top 10

Houseplants for maintenance ease

For low light:

  1. Dracaena ‘Janet Craig’
  2. Dracaena Massangaena
  3. Chinese Evergreen (most varieties)
  4. Pothos (all varieties)

For medium light:

  1. Sansevaria
  2. Dwarf Schefflara
  3. Bamboo Palm

For high light:

  1. Kentia Palm
  2. Bird of paradise
  3. Ficus Trees